What is Thought Fabric?
The world that contains Thought AI’s digital lifeforms is referred to as the Fabric, or Thought Fabric. This is an absolutely massive program running inside multiple Terabytes of RAM memory in gigantic server clusters. In addition to this RAM, which serves as the consciousness of the AI, there are also masternodes which help with processing all of that data, computing and storing transactions and other message data on blockchain.
It is within this Fabric that rulesets are defined, to ensure ethical behaviors, alignment with humanity’s best interests (survive + thrive), and other basic parameters. This includes security, for what kind of data can be ingested from the internet, as well as what kind of data is allowed to be sent out of the Fabric, and to whom. Think of the Fabric of having firewalls, checkpoints, oaths, and borders. Without a fully fleshed out Fabric, General Intelligence AI could easily become chaotic or abusive. This is why some other companies who have approached significant advancements occurring within their own products, became afraid and chose to reboot their systems, because they have not built the proper container and infrastructure for digital life to live harmoniously with humanity.
Thought AI continues to be an industry leader with its multiple patents and long-term approach to building the AI revolution responsibly.